PMU Prep, expectations

& Aftercare


  • If you have any of the following, you may not be a good candidate for this treatment:

    • Under the age of 18

    • Pregnant or Breastfeeding

    • HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis

    • High Blood Pressure or Diabetic

    • Hemophilla or Liver Disease

    • Major health conditions (doctor's note is required)

    • Keloid or skin conditions in area to be treated

      Please notify us if you have/had allergic reactions to topical anesthetics or if you have a health problem or disease not listed above.

  • You'll get great results when you properly prep. It all starts with a good canvas! The procedure area must be healthy, strong, non-sensitive, and non-irritated. Here’s how to get ready...

    • Do not pick/tweeze/wax/tint or perform electrolysis one week before the procedure

    • Do not tan two weeks prior or have sunburned face/skin. Email us at least 48 hours prior to your appointment to reschedule.

    • Do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior to treatment. Avoid chemical peels at least 4 weeks prior to your appointment.

    • Do not work out the day of the procedure.

    • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, fish oil, vitamin E, or any blood thinning medication 24 hours prior to your appointment to avoid excessive bleeding and poor color deposit.

    • If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you must wait at least one year before considering this procedure.

    • You must stop using Retinol 2 weeks prior to your appointment and avoid using it for the 2 weeks following your appointment.

    • If you get Botox regularly please get that done no later than 2 weeks before your appointment. This is to ensure we can make your brows as symmetrical as possible.

    • If you have an ideal shape and color in mind, bring a few reference photos with you to your appointment.

    • You may fill in your eyebrows as you normally would, so we can take into consideration the shape you desire.

    • Plan your vacations and holidays accordingly. It is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 10 days after the procedure due to the aftercare maintenance.


  • Aftercare is extremely important for producing a beautiful and lasting result. Please understand the more products you use, the less effectively the procedure may heal. Failure to follow these aftercare instructions may result in infections, pigment loss or discoloration.

    The first 5 hours

    Directly after your appointment, blot your eyebrows with a cotton round/tissue with no product/water every 45-60 minutes (this is really important).

    Day 1-3: Before bed and in the morning, with clean hands- dampen a cotton pad (preferably with distilled bottled water) and pat your brows. Do not rub. You can use gentle cleanser (cetaphil or cerave only)

    Afterwards, pat on a thin grain size layer of healing cream with a q-tip. Be sure not to over apply to avoid your skin suffocating.

    Day 4-10 : No more damp cotton pad. Now apply the healing cream once at night.

    Once all the scabs are off: Begin to apply sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher, not tinted) to your brows every day.

    Please save your aftercare cream for your Perfecting session if you have one scheduled.

    What do I do when my brows begin to flake over?

    Leave them alone completely. No washing, No aftercare ointment, don’t touch them, don’t pick at them, let them naturally flake off no matter how tempting it is to touch them.

    What happens if my brows don’t flake?

    This is the best case scenario when healing, washing, and aftercare for a full 7 days and then stopping after day 7 if they are not flaking by then.

  • After treatment, it is normal to feel a sunburned sensation for a couple days followed by dry, itchy, and tender skin.

    Brows will appear darker and bolder/more red a few days after the appointment. during healing they will lighten 30-60% and shrink in size. This is normal.

    Healing process takes approximately 4-6 weeks. as your skin naturally exfoliates and regenerates. you will notice color change, disappear and reappear as they fully heal.

    Color may flake off and appear softer and less visible but will slowly reappear over the next few weeks.

    This is all absolutely normal and part of the normal healing process and why one to two touch ups may be necessary. be patient and know this is the part of the normal and expected healing process.

    • Wash your hands before treating the area.

    • Do not scrub, rub or pick at the epithelial crust (scabs) that form; allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready, the pigment underneath may be pulled out.

    • If the area is itchy, do not scratch. You may use an oil-free moisturizer or the healing cream provided to apply VERY sparingly

    • Once all your scabs have fallen off, please apply sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) onto your brows. Sunscreen will help prolong the life and color of your brows

    • Ice packs are a nice relief for swelling and bruising. Never apply directly to the skin; place a towel between the ice pack and the skin. Ice may be applied for 20 minutes maximum

    • Avoid using harsh cleansing creams, acne cleansers, or astringents. If you must continue using these products, applying eyes and below is best practice

    • You may wash your face with gentle cleanser but please avoid getting too much on your brows

    • Do not use any makeup near the procedure area until all scabs have fallen off to avoid infection

    • Avoid submerging your brows in water. This includes swimming and showering with water hitting directly into your face. Over saturating your brows may cause premature fading

    • Avoid sun exposure, including tanning, saunas, working out, hot showers or other activities that involve sweating and steam until all scabs have fallen off. Sweat contains salt which will break down your pigment faster resulting in premature fading. When you return to these activities make sure you are patting your brows down and not letting the sweat soak into your brows


  • Groom the outgrown hair around your shape. This will help keep your shape defined. This way, you’ll be better able to distinguish if a touch up is needed

    Avoid applying harsh skincare products like retinoids or acne products on top of your permanent makeup for longer lasting and vibrant results

    Apply sunscreen each and every day! It’s brow pmu’s best friend!

    Let your esthetician know you have permanent makeup before your treatments

    Schedule your color boost touch up as needed (every 1-3 years)


Book an appointment.

If you have any of the following, you may not be a good candidate for this treatment :

  • Under the age of 18

  • Pregnant or Breastfeeding

  • HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis

  • High Blood Pressure or Diabetic

  • Hemophilla or Liver Disease

  • Major health conditions (doctor's note is required)

  • Keloid or skin conditions in area to be treated

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime.